Geophysical Reasearch Network to operete in the Aragats Space Envormental Center
A. Chilingaryan, K. Arakelyan, S. Chilingaryan, A. Reymers |
Space Environmental Viewing and AnalysisNetwok(SEVAN)
A. Chilingaryan, K. Arakelyan, L. Kozliner, B. Mailyan, A. Reymers |
Recovering of TGE electron and gamma ray energy spectra
A. Chilingaryna, B. Malian, L. Vanyan |
Simuletions of the secondary cosmic ray propagation in the Thunderstorm ground enhancements (TGEs)
A. Chilingaryan, L. Vanyan |
Particale bursts from tunderclouds: Natural partical accelerators above our heads
A. Chilingaryan, G. Hovsepyan, A.Hovhannisyan |
Neutron Bursts Associated with Thunderstorms
A. Chilingaryan, L. Bostanjyan, T. Karapetyan, L. Vanyan |

Lower positive charge region (LPCR): its influence on initation of Thunderstorm ground enhacments (TGEs) cloud-to-ground (CG-) and intracloud (IC-) lightening occurrences
A. Chilingaryan, H. Mkrtchyan |
Magnetometric measurments at Mt. Aragats
A. Chilingaryan, T. Karapetyan
Establishing NaI detector network at Aragats
K. Arakelyan, A. Chilingaryan |
New low treshold detectors for measuring gamma ray flux from thunderclouds
K. Arakelyan, A. Chilingaryan |