2021-07-06 13:02:07 |
Citations of 2 first Aragats Space Environmental Center (ASEC) papers on Thunderstorm Ground Enhancements (TGEs) exceeds 300 according to GoogleScholar
“Citations are an acknowledgement of intellectual debt.”
- Henry Small
A scientifically written article comprises a reference section at the end where all the references
mentioned in the document are cited serially, and each reference is a citation. A citation count is
the frequency of an article cited by other articles. A citation index is a kind of bibliographic
database, an index of citations between publications, allowing the user to easily establish which
later documents cite which earlier documents.[1]
Citation index provides journal ranking by giving information about what articles, themes, and
topics were being published, cited, or ignored and also offers unique insight into a particular
journal and provides data on historical trends, immediacy index, cited half-life of journals, etc.
[2] Citation analysis helps to know the Journal Impact Factor (JIF), Author Self- Citation (ASC)
and Journal Self-Citation (JSC). Citation index also helps to determine the utmost important
areas of research and the world leaders in definite scientific disciplines. Citation analysis has
shown that some 90% of papers that have been published in academic journals are never cited [3]
The scientific Citation Index (SCI) originally was produced by the Institute for Scientific
Information (ISI) and was officially launched in 19644 and provided intellectual foundation for the
wide variety of citation indexing products emerging as competitors to what has become the Web
of Science (WoS)5
. Now there are many competitors providing online citation indices . One of
them is Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/) developed by Elsevier and the other is the freely
available Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com/). Scopus and Google Scholar on average
have a higher citation score than WoS, the difference is rather large, reaching 30-40% between
Google Scholar and WoS. However, the Google Scholar is easier to access, it is rather user
friendly, and is used widely as universal metric for different purposes.
CRD publications help to establish a new scientific direction high-energy physics in the
atmosphere, reporting enhanced fluxes of electrons, gamma rays, and neutrons; energy spectra of
electrons and neutrons; origin of the electron accelerator in the thunderclouds, atmospheric
conditions supported the operation of this accelerator and many other discoveries.
Ground-based observations of thunderstorm-correlated fluxes of high-energy electrons, gamma
rays, and neutrons
A Chilingarian, A Daryan, K Arakelyan, A Hovhannisyan, B Mailyan, L Melkumyan, G
Hovsepyan, S Chilingaryan, A Reymers, L Vanyan
Physical Review D, 82, 043009
The Aragats Space Environmental Center facilities continuously measure fluxes of neutral and
charged secondary cosmic ray incidents on the Earth’s surface. Since 2003 in the 1-minute time
series we have detected more than 100 enhancements in the electron, gamma ray, and neutron
fluxes correlated with thunderstorm activities. During the periods of the count rate
enhancements, lasting tens of minutes, millions of additional particles were detected. Based on
the largest particle event of September 19, 2009, we show that our measurements support the
existence of long-lasting particle multiplication and acceleration mechanisms in the thunderstorm
atmosphere. For the first time we present the energy spectra of electrons and gamma rays from
the particle avalanches produced in the thunderstorm atmosphere, reaching the Earth’s surface.
Cited by 200
Particle bursts from thunderclouds: Natural particle accelerators above our heads
Ashot Chilingarian, Gagik Hovsepyan, Armen Hovhannisyan
Physical review D, 83, 062001
Strong electrical fields inside thunderclouds give rise to fluxes of high-energy electrons and,
consequently, gamma rays and neutrons. Gamma rays and electrons are currently detected by the
facilities of low orbiting satellites and by networks of surface particle detectors. During intensive
particle fluxes, coinciding with thunderstorms, series of particle bursts were detected by the
particle detectors of Aragats Space Environmental Center at an altitude of 3250 m. We classify
the thunderstorm ground enhancements in 2 categories, one lasting microseconds, and the other
lasting tens of minutes. Both types of events can occur at the same time, coinciding with a large
negative electric field between the cloud and the ground and negative intracloud lightning.
Statistical analysis of the short thunderstorm ground enhancement bursts sample suggests the
duration is less than 50 μ s and spatial extension is larger than 1000 m …
Cited by 103
[1] Citation index, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Citation index.
[2] Smith DR. A 30-Year Citation Analysis of Bibliometric Trends at the Archives of
Environmental Health, 1975-2004. Arch Environ Occup. Health 2009;64:43-54.
[3] Meho LI. The rise of citation analysis, http://arxiv.org/ftp/physics/papers/0701/0701012.pdf.
[4]Garfield, E., Citation indexes for science – New dimension in documentation through
association of ideas. Science, 1955, 122, 108–111.
[5] Atkins, H., The ISI web of science – Links and electronic journals; How links work today in
the Web of Science, and the challenges posed by electronic journals. D-LIB Mag., 1999, 5,