All news for January 20, 2022
Crash of the titans: imminent merger of giant Crash of the titans: imminent merger of giant black... (Jan 20, 2022)
Crash of the titans: imminent merger of giant Crash of the titans: imminent merger of giant black holes predicted black holes predicted -
Луч смерти | Космические убийцы (Jan 20, 2022)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqQRnkHc2so Для многих космос - это что-то фантастическое и романтическое. На самом деле это очень опасное место. Одно из сокрушительных оружий космоса - космическая радиация. Как проникают сквозь толщу атмосферы Земли гамма-лучи и другие "лучи смерти"? После гибели крупной звезды всплеск радиации способен... -
CRD Annual report 2021 /main achievements, directions of research/ (Jan 20, 2022)
Last decade the research in high-energy physics in the atmosphere (HEAP) was mostly concentrated on measuring the particle fluxes from the electrified atmosphere (thunderstorm ground enhancements, TGEs, and Terrestrial gamma flashes, TGFs) and revealing their origin. Afterward, in 2021 started the research of the atmospheric electric fields with particle...
The Quest to Understand How Thunderstorms Create Gamma Rays (Jan 20, 2022)
Researchers in Japan are enlisting an army of citizens to explore how thunderstorms on Earth create extreme bursts of radiation usually associated with black holes and other cosmic objects. By Elizabeth Gibney.